





Ven Jin Kong 60.

If I have strayed from the true path, may I never do so again. If I have carelessly hurt someone today, by word or deed, may I be more mindful the next time.

O Buddha, the Enlightened One, help me to set my heart right. May my actions reflect your love and compassion.

I shall strive to cleanse my heart, from hate and envy, and live in harmony with all people. I shall be close to the Dharma, in good as well as in difficult times. I know that should the moment come for me to leave the world, I shall do so without fear or regret, because I leave the world a better person than when I came into it.

Whatever wrong someone may do to me, may I be compassionate and forgiving, and bear no hatred in my heart.

I shall bear in mind to be grateful for the acts of love and consideration shown to me, no matter how small they appear to be.

For those I love and those who love me, may this life be a blessing and a source of happiness to all beings.

— Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda

Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda 1.

Finding Refuge
by Jack Kornfield

Victor Frankel, the concentration camp survivor, was also the founder of logotherapy. He discovered that most of those who survived the camps did so only because they had faith in a greater purpose for themselves and the world. Like these survivors, we each need to find our sense of purpose, to orient and support ourselves amidst the fragmented pulls of busy, modern life. Buddhist psychology’s response to this need is to offer the practice of taking refuge.

Since the first days of the Buddha’s teaching, if a person wanted to become a follower of the path, all they had to do was to recite, “I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the Dharma (the teachings), I take refuge in the Sangha (the community of practitioners).” There is nothing to join, nothing to become – simply this turning of the heart.


Refuge offers support for our journey as we move through joy and sorrow, gain and loss. In refuge, we reaffirm our sacred connection with the world. Refuge is not necessarily religious. Refuge can be as simple as making conscious our trust in a lineage of teachings.

Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath, dating from ancient Greece. Physicists place their faith in a long lineage of scientists starting with Archimedes, Galileo, Newton and Einstein. Professional musicians proudly name their teachers and their teacher’s teachers. Followers of Freud or Jung take refuge in the founder’s wisdom and in the wisdom of the great psychoanalysts who followed them. In all our universities and psychological training institutes, we find shrines to the lineage of revered and beloved elders, who gaze down from portraits and photos on the wall.

We may take refuge in a higher power, as in Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.). Much of their success rests on faith and in the power of their sangha, the conscious community they create. Such faith has proved so transformative, it’s astonishing that refuge and faith are so often excluded from western psychological thinking.

We thrive with faith. Our faith may be spiritual or unabashedly nonreligious, such as a faith in the natural world, in the unborn generations ahead, in life itself. To live wisely, we need to find a trusting connection to the world. Healthcare studies have shown that caring for a pet, or even a plant, will prolong life and well-being.

Like setting an intention or dedicating ourself to a goal, taking refuge re-orients our life. Our refuge becomes an inspiration, a touchstone, a well-spring to draw from at every challenge we face.

The Buddhist refuge needs be taken just once in a lifetime, although in some traditions, the refuge is recited daily. Even more powerfully, in Vajrayana practice, the refuges are repeated 100,000 times, each recitation enhanced by a full body bow to the past generations of awakened beings. Whichever tradition we follow, when we take refuge we join the stream of awakening.


Traditionally, there are three levels of Buddhist refuge: outer, inner and innermost.

On the outer level, we take refuge in the historical Buddha, a remarkably wise human being who pointed the way to inner freedom. We take refuge in the Dharma, the teachings of generosity, compassion and wisdom that bring freedom. And we take refuge in the Sangha, in the Buddhist community of awakened beings. This outer refuge connects us to a tradition and millions of followers of the Buddha’s path.

Taking the inner refuge in the Buddha, we shift from the historical Buddha to a refuge that sees the Buddha Nature of all beings. We take refuge in the potential for awakening in everyone we meet. The inner refuge in Dharma shifts from the outer teachings to inner truth, to seeing the way things are. We entrust ourselves to follow the truth and live in accord with it. The inner refuge in Sangha shifts from the Buddhist community to all beings dedicated to awakening. We take refuge in this stream.

Lastly, we come to the innermost refuge. Here we take refuge in timeless consciousness and freedom. As Ajahn Chah explained, “We take refuge in the Buddha, but what is this Buddha? When we see with the eye of wisdom, we know that the Buddha is timeless, unborn, unrelated to anybody, any history, any place. Buddha is the ground of all beings, the realisation of the truth of the unmoving mind. So the Buddha was not enlightened in India. In fact, he was never enlightened, was never born, and never died. This timeless Buddha is our true home, our abiding place.”

When we take refuge in the innermost Dharma, we rest in the eternal freedom. Zen master Huang Po’s words proclaim, “Your true nature is something never lost to you, even in moments of delusion, nor is it gained at the moment of enlightenment. It is the nature of your own mind, the source of all things, your original luminous brilliance. You, the richest person in the world, have been going around labouring and begging when all the while the treasure you seek is with you. It is who you are.”

When we take refuge in the innermost Sangha, we acknowledge the inseparable connections of all our lives. The innermost Sangha is the ultimate provenance of trust. It is voiced by poet John Donne, “No man is an island…” and echoed by Martin Luther King, “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.”

Out of this interconnection, we cannot fall or be separated. When we take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, all things in the world are free for us. They become our teachers, proclaiming the one true nature of life.

The ritual of taking refuge can transform our consciousness. Ted, a long-term prisoner, began to practise from books and tapes provided through one of our Buddhist prison projects. As Victor Frankel found in the concentration camp, Ted needed a meaningful purpose to get him through the horrors of prison.

Taking refuge was a turning point for Ted. “After my lama visited and I took refuge, I took the way I was living my life more seriously. I had taken vows not to harm, not to abuse, so I had to see the Buddha even in the guards. I kept to myself more and meditated and did my refuge-taking recitations early in the morning. I said them over and over and I felt like I was rock solid. Then I was moved to another block. There was a lot of trouble there and I had to keep reciting my refuge-taking to stay clean. I was tempted to pay back a couple of men who did me some wrong. But then I would look at them in the eye and take refuge in my heart. It helped me a lot. Everybody’s got to have refuge in something to get through here.”

Refuge and ritual become skillful means for all of us.

Jack Kornfield 5.

For as long as the understanding of appearances — unfailing interdependence — and emptiness — the freedom from all assertions — appear to be in conflict, for that long there can be no realisation of Śākyamuni’s intent.

— Lama Tsongkhapa

Lama Tsongkhapa 46.




就以六度波罗蜜来说,如果用心去发现,就会感受到原来布施、持戒、忍 辱、精进、禅定、般若时时刻刻都发生在我们身边。


“五戒十善”是每一个佛弟子都应该努力受持的,尽管很难,但若坚定不 退,未必做不到。就拿茹素来讲,我认识一个姐姐,她是虔诚的佛教徒,自从信奉佛法就坚持严格的素食,即使在坐月期间也是如此。后来因为母乳不足,直接影响了宝宝的健康,周围的亲戚朋友们都劝她应该摄取足够的动物蛋白。姐姐很为难,虽然最终没有敌过为人母的那份心疼,破例每天吃一个鸡蛋,但她真的已经做得很好了。而且出月后,姐姐为了这事在佛前忏悔了很久。这就是一个在家居士的持戒。



看到网上有一篇上师写的文章,觉得很有意思,说我们应该训练自己有张“ 禅定”的嘴巴。文章讲,现在人缺乏定力,特别是嘴巴。因为人们几乎每天都在造口业:两舌、绮语、恶口、妄语,而且很多人都已经养成了习惯。所以希望大 家能培养自己的定力,坚持说正语,慢慢养成善护身口意的习惯。

上师还说,能持之以恒的坚持一事情,就是禅定。因此,如果我们能在这个物质、浮躁的社会中,时刻观照自己、收摄乱心、保持清净,而不随波逐流, 这就是进入修行禅定的状态了。

信息社会,如何在林林总总的庞大信息库中取其精华?时代更替,伴随着各种新鲜事物的入侵,有很多人中意猎奇,可怎样避免不落偏见呢?就以学佛来讲,渐渐发现去寺院听经诵经、修学正法、短期出家的人越来越多,我觉得他们都是有智慧的人。之所以这么说,是因为佛法深奥、经藏难懂,若单靠自学,免不了出现错解和误读,若因此而入邪见更是追悔莫及。而且佛教发展至今,多少会顺应时 代、与时俱进,效法出家人、亲近善知识,不仅能见贤思齐,还能建立正知见。这难道不是最大的智慧吗?


Lotus 22.



We must practice the teachings to attain the result. It isn’t sufficient to just hear the Dharma. We have to actively apply it in our daily lives and in our relationships with others. This means we try to be mindful and notice when disturbing attitudes arise. Then, we apply the remedies enabling us to perceive the situation clearly. If sick people have medicine but don’t take it, they aren’t cured. Similarly, we may have an elaborate shrine at home and a huge library of Dharma books, but if we don’t apply patience when we meet a person who annoys us, we’ve missed the opportunity to practice.

— Venerable Thubten Chodron

Thubten Chodron 12.

Faith in times of COVID-19
by Venerable Kwang Sheng

The COVID-19 pandemic continues relentlessly even today, causing great disruptions to our daily life, society and economy. In particular, it is causing immeasurable psychological distress to people, who are experiencing anxiety, worries and fears. As Buddhists, how should we strengthen our faith and adapt ourselves to overcome this current calamity?

Faith is the gateway to enter Buddhism and the basis for sustaining the Buddha Dharma. According to the Avatamsaka Sutra: Faith is the foundation to cultivate the Way, and the mother of merit and virtue, because it is capable of nourishing wholesome roots. The Buddha Dharma is like a vast sea; only by faith can it be entered. Therefore, the single word “faith” is the key to escape from birth and death and is the wonderful means for returning to the source.

It is also said in the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra that “the Buddha Dharma is like a vast sea; only by faith can it be entered.” In the immense oceans of Buddhist wisdom, the prerequisite to obtain tangible benefits from the Buddha Dharma is to possess the Right Faith. The Right Faith is the abode for our mind and the basis for the three Dharmic, karmic and wisdom bodies. Only with Right Faith in Buddhism will we derive the impetus and motivation to study the scriptures in depth, and sever the roots of our doubts and ignorance, thereby putting the teachings into practice, and thus experiencing first-hand the joy and bliss that comes from having our mind purified with the radiant light and cool cleansing water of the Buddha teachings.

In Buddhism, “faith” refers to the unity of body and mind, an alignment between our inner and outer activities to pay homage and apply the Buddha’s teachings so as to attain liberation. By imbuing and manifesting these teachings personally, we purify our minds, enact good moral values, improve the quality of our daily living, and discern the truth of our existence.

Buddhism objects to blind or unquestioned faith but promotes Right Faith based on wisdom and understanding. The Buddha cautioned in the Nirvana Sutra that “Faith without understanding fosters ignorance; whereas understanding without faith breeds the wrong views.” In other words, having faith without the correct understanding gives rise to ignorance and worries. Moreover, the activities of such a person may not be in accordance with the Buddhist teachings. On the other hand, having understanding without faith generates false or mistaken views. Therefore, the basis of faith in Buddhism is wisdom. Buddhists should strengthen their faith through wise discernment and cultivate their religious piety through wise practice, which would result in their faith deepening with growing wisdom. That is why the Buddha emphasised the paramount role of wisdom in the Avatamsaka Sutra: “Of all the teachings, wisdom is foremost.”

The Buddha taught four ways to keep Right Faith steadfastly.

➊ Seek and keep spiritual guidance. We should surround ourselves with a spiritual community. We do this by getting acquainted with learned practitioners with the right views and understanding, namely the Buddhist Sangha. As noted in the Avatamsaka Sutra: “All Buddhist teachings achieve fruition through the efforts of conscientious practitioners, who are the pillars.” Moreover, “One who seeks the Bodhisattva path, who wishes to attain the Perfect Wisdom, should diligently seek out good company. Seek them out without fatigue; and when one encounters them, do not grow weary or complacent; comply instantly with their teachings without defiance.” Thus, it can be seen that seeking and keeping good spiritual guidance is the first step in practising Buddhism.

➋ Listen to the true Dharma. This means that we should listen frequently to the teachings of the Sangha. As stated in the Verses about Hearing (Srutivarga):

Through much hearing, one understands the Dharma. Through much hearing, one distances oneself from wrongdoing. Through much hearing, one discards what is meaningless. Through much hearing, one attains Nirvana.

Only by listening extensively to the right teachings can we gain insight into the true empty nature of phenomena and discern the ultimate reality of our existence.

➌ Ponder wisely: After listening to the teachings, we must continually reflect on them based on the correct understanding of Buddha Dharma, to deepen our understanding and truly grasp the spirit and meaning of the teachings. This is in sharp contrast to thoughtlessly or superstitiously following what is said.

➍ Apply the Dharma in our daily life. This means that we apply to real life what we have learned or understood about the Buddha Dharma, achieving unison of thought and action. All four methods are interconnected. Starting with seeking out spiritual guides, we get to hear the true Dharma as a result, thereby leading to us acquiring right views and understanding, which we then put into everyday practice.

The current pandemic is a common crisis confronting humanity. In this scenario, Buddhists should strive even harder to enact the Buddhist values of compassion, gratitude, wisdom and rationality. We should steady ourselves, reframe our mindset, strengthen our faith and deploy the right understanding to overcome this challenge together. During this pandemic, the medical front-liners have stepped up selflessly to answer the call of duty, the cleaning staff have worked tirelessly without complaints, volunteers have served willingly, and the law enforcement officers have discharged their responsibility admirably. They are demonstrating the goodness inherent in human nature and spreading warmth to all others around them. Due to their staunch commitment to forge ahead, we can have some respite and sense of security. Therefore, we should be grateful and show our appreciation.

Only people who are grateful can face the daily grind with optimism and positivity, accepting life’s challenges. As the pandemic rages on, all Buddhists should start with themselves by maintaining Right Faith and views, unite and collaborate cohesively, comply proactively with safety measures, so that we can surmount this challenge together.

Self-discipline will lead us to freedom, and having a common goal will allow us to march forward in tandem. I sincerely pray for strength and protection for all beings to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and that the pandemic will end soon so life may return to normalcy. May everyone stay healthy, happy, safe and blessed.

Ven Kwang Sheng 16.

It is important for us to reflect on how we got to where we are today and how we can change in the future. Let me illustrate how our thoughts and feelings can change the quality and direction of our life. Unfortunately, if I use a negative story, it might be easier for us to get the point, as we are all personally well versed in such things.

So, say that we have an unpleasant exchange with a co-worker one day. It isn’t significant, but we keep thinking about it and feeling dislike for that person. Soon, whatever this person says or does, whether it actually touches us or not, annoys us. Every exchange, whether smiling or frowning, triggers harsh feelings in us toward them. After some time, even seeing this person’s e-mail in our inbox can make our heart skip a beat. Then, merely thinking about this person makes us feel frustrated and miserable. It doesn’t matter if they are miles away. It consumes us. We constantly bring their annoying demeanour vividly to mind and keep hearing their irritating voice loudly — as if they were right in our face.

Obviously, real harmful actions and harsh words will fly back and forth when you actually meet. We may force ourselves to smile, but whatever we say or do relating to this person will become harmful. Our forced nice gestures won’t charm anyone, as they came from an agitated state of mind. This illustration is probably familiar to many of us.

But it is ourselves that we harm most. We accumulate poisonous emotions that hurt the elements and energy systems of our body and can lead to sickness and disease.

— Tulku Thondup Rinpoche

Tulku Thondup Rinpoche 42.

看鬼怪 活出灿烂的自己




















Lotus 127.

The more we attune to peace, the more radiant our lives become.

— Zen Proverb

Lotus 291.