














— 净慧法师


Those who cling to perceptions and views wander the world offending people.

— Buddha




弘一大师说:【因所皈依者为僧,非皈依某一人,应于一切僧众,若贤若愚,生平等心,至诚恭敬,尊之为师,自称弟子。】身为佛弟子,当礼敬三宝,只要现出家相,具足正知正见,皆应护持。只要有能力,对于正信的道场,都尽心护持。切不可因护持某位法师或道场,而排斥毁谤其他法师或道场。佛教是一体的,应当团结一致,互相支持。切莫护持自己的师父,胜过护持整个佛教,对于其他法师则采否定的态度,此种作为非但有违佛教所说的「平等、无分别」,也忘失了: 「一草一木都有它生存的空间。」人应当互相尊重,不该彼此伤害。

佛教讲「因缘法」,仰慕某位法师的修持,表示自己与此位法师比较有缘,确实应戮力护持,但并不代表其他法师没有修行。由于佛教的组织不严密,看法很难统一,此即所谓「见浊」。执着自己的见解,严禁弟子听其他法师讲经,或参访别的道场,如此,自己无法解脱,佛教也不会兴盛。 对于自己的因缘福报不强求,才合于佛法。总之,佛教徒当以开阔的胸襟,容纳异己的存在,才能成就自己的伟大。捐弃山头主义,门户之见。因为重点不在护持 「某人」,而在护持「整体佛教」,护持「正法」!










大乘佛法的伟大,即在广开方便门。诸如:朝山、拜忏、佛七、诵经、种种法会……然而大乘佛法的悲哀,就是把方便当究竟。误将梁皇、水陆、念佛、诵 经……认为是修行,把庄严的宗教仪式,误为佛法之必然。殊不知,庄严的仪式,只是求解脱悟道的增上缘,祖师慈悲藉此因缘而作接引。其实,在佛陀时代,并无所谓的法会、佛七……等活动。





观照、断烦恼、彻底放下贪嗔痴,方名之为修行。只要善用心法,不着相,行住坐卧皆是修行。梁武帝问达摩祖师:“一生造寺供僧布施设斋,有何功德?” 摩言:“实无功德。”何以故?功德须发自本性、清净心、无所着心,倘若布施可积功累德,成佛岂非变为买卖交易?本性不增不减,功德若能累积,则已落入数量观,此是福德而非功德。更有人拜佛求消灾,念佛求见佛,而不知自性即是佛。未悟到平等圆满的觉性,用妄想修行,境界现前,无明必定一马当先。

许多初学者急于成就,经教不通,功夫不到,名堂却很多,或负重拜山,或练不倒单,或勉强静坐,误认以此方式可即刻开悟,彼将开悟视为一种境界在追求,认为可修出某物,如是有所求之着相而行,不仅背离清净无为的本性,尚且容易退失道心,更有甚者,走火入魔亦时有所闻。此即是:【无端起知见,着相求菩 提。情存一念悟,宁越昔时迷?】



要明心见性,当有正知正见。 要有正知正见,当依大善知识发明心地。修行要有方向,善知识如同眼目,指引正确的知见和下手处。若无正确的观念,则永不能成道。因此善知识对于道业是否成就,有举足轻重的影响。法身慧命之存亡,端赖行者运用般若智慧,慎择善知识。

「倾心依附」是学道者对善知识就有的态度。《金刚经》云:【信心清净,即生实相。】若对师长怀有成见,或有不同的看法,修行难以成就,盖其心与善知识不能相应。若以感性、崇拜、仰慕的心态来亲近善知识,修行之路无法长远。以其所崇拜者,为善知识外在条件,如:学历、相貌、辩才等。然善知识是「人」, 而不是「法」,难免有未尽圆满之处,学道者遂忘失自己乃是为求法、了生死而来,处处看师父的缺点,指陈师父的过失,长此以往,道心便退。

修学者若出于感性的心态,崇拜善知识,亦常见将善知识神格化之情事,举凡健康状况、家庭琐事、乃至谋职生子皆求助于善知识,已达「每事问」之地步, 此是将追求真理的指导者,沦为趋吉避凶、求神问卜之附庸,误以善知识为无所不能,神通广大,而错把依赖当依止,自心本具智慧光明及判断力却闲置不用。

佛告以:【依法不依人】。遵循善知识教导,系为学习放下解脱自在之菩提道,而非将民间信仰模式套用于善知识身上。就体性而言,与其亲近外在之善知 识,莫若内心一念回光返照,于一切法即相离相,自心即是最大之善知识。若见诸相,当体即空,即是见自性佛。倘若烦恼、颠倒,牢执不放,外善知识虽欲救拔亦爱莫能助。是以,自救更胜人救,肯放下即是自救之最佳途径。自我解脱,远比依靠善知识重要。


前已言及 ,今之诸多学人弊病,乃在误把方便当究竟。方便法门已将佛教正法带往可怕、危险之边缘地带。求感应多过求真理。讲经弘法往往门可罗雀;邪说异端,神通感应则每每门庭若市。若做一切佛事,以闻香、见光、见佛、治病等感应为诉求,只为消灾解厄、现世福报,则佛教与神道有何差别?神通感应作为增强信念之增上缘原是无可厚非,然并非万能之利器,若以此度众,绝非长久之计,盖个人宿业有别,佛力固有不可思议之处,仍须视个人是否能虔诚求忏,及罪障轻重而定。

八正道中未列「正神通」,《阿含经》亦告以:【自依止,法依止,莫异依止。】吾人所应依者,乃是自心、真理,而非神通。盖神通非究竟解脱之道,由身口意造作之业力,因缘果报之法则,并非神通所能抵制。 神通第一之目犍连尊者亦难免释迦族灭亡之定业,即可见一斑。

末法时期,学道者难以成就即在「求」、「着」二病。灌顶求消灭、持咒求解难、拜佛求见光、静坐求开悟、喝符水求病愈,凡有神奇灵异每每趋之若鹜。殊不知,佛法乃是心法,修习密宗而欲成就佛道,亦当断烦恼,方可证果位。 身染疾患,不就医求诊,而坚信持咒即可治百病。诸如此类,着相而求,比比皆是。却不知病有二种,一为生理疾病,如头痛、感冒等。一为业障病,即群医束手, 药石罔效之病。色身乃四大假合,本有生灭,难免不调,自当求医服药。至于四处求医仍无起色者,或恐为业力所感之病,此种病情则当求助于佛法,一心忏悔往昔过愆,真诚改过,礼拜诵经,多做功德,以期能解怨释结。

众生着相,尤好光怪陆离之异象,举凡放光、分身、飞天、遁地……往往穷追不舍。以此求着之心,极易为谈玄说怪者误导,或为神棍所骗,终至倾家荡产, 身败名裂。实则, 纵有通天之能,若烦恼不断,贪嗔痴不除,轮回之苦,在所难免,于生死有何益哉?切不可求见瑞相,当以降伏自我为修行本分。若由心性下手,把烦恼弄通,方可名为真神通。


由于社会结构及生活形态改变,现代人可谓十分忙碌。出家众亦难幸免,或建道场,或做佛事,往往南北奔波,以致无法心无旁骛于道业之精进。不似古代丛 林,生活单纯,肯吃苦,肯下工夫,实修证悟者所在多有。此系目下佛教及待正视之问题——客观环境影响,导致实修困难,证果更难。古人欲证得肉身不坏者,可谓探囊取物,多不胜数。今者,若得一人证果,即惊天动地,叹为稀有难得。今昔之比,令人唏嘘。法之传递,正赖僧宝弘扬,今之出家众,应当自省,经教不通, 悟性不明,正法之延续,将无以为继


未闻佛法而欲了生死,真如水中捞月。然则「经典无人说,虽慧不能解。」 佛法必须解行并重,以理论指导实践,以实践印证理论。闻法乃入道之根本,有志修学者,当把听经闻法列为一生一世最重要的功课,甚且犹重于自身性命。以「花开见佛」为例,切勿徒按字面解释,以为神识在莲花中,日渐长大而终至绽放。若做此解,则未尽圆满。应解作:心中智慧、本性开发,即得见佛。若不悟实相之理,未证无生法忍,心花不开,智慧不现,如何见佛?即曰:「不可以三十二相见如来。」云何由莲花苞中见如来?唯有般若智慧,始能见自性如来。由此可知,欲解无上甚深微妙法,非初学浅见者,以文字知解而能臆测。

佛弟子应从真理着手,享受法的喜悦,并以此为动力,为佛教发心,若单凭一时热诚,恐难持之以恒。古来祖师大德为求法译经,费尽辛苦,乃至牺牲生命亦在所不惜。今者交通便捷,科技发达,毋须远涉深山,只需打开电视即可闻法受教,实不应以诸多讬词,自残慧命。又有初学者,以演讲内容深奥为由,怠惰拒闻, 此种心态尤应调整。既已入门,自当登堂入室,一窥精要,何可徘徊庭外,无功可返?正以其难解,更应自我策励,精进不懈,有朝一日,必能通达。即令无法深入体悟,列席听讲仍有功德,以其当下即不造恶业故。


— 慧律法师


The law of cause and effect, karma, is one of the main teachings of Buddhism. It means that we should always practise virtuous things, since non-virtuous acts will always bring suffering in this life as well as in the next. If we don’t want suffering, we should avoid its cause; if there is no cause, there will be no result, just as if the root of the tree is removed, there will be no fruit. If we want happiness, we must be very careful about the cause of happiness, just as if we want the tree to grow, we must take care of its root. If the root is defective, the tree will not grow.

— His Holiness Sakya Trizin








— 演培法师


Creating merit is part of creating new karma. Basically the idea is to change the whole structure of ones personality. For example becoming less selfish or less self centered or more tolerant, etc. One becomes a different person. That is the merit aspect and the wisdom aspect is to understand the nature of the self. What the self is. To realize that the self is not an immutable unchanging psychic principle but it is a structure formed by many kinds of psychic elements all clustered together. That is what forms this notion of the self. So that is the wisdom aspect. The merit aspect comes from the change in the person. How the person behaves, relates to the world and the wisdom aspect has to do with perception , how one sees oneself and how one perceives the world.

— Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche









— 星云大师


If again and again we examine the mind, which cannot be examined, we see that which cannot be seen, with total clarity, just as it is. May the faultless mind, freed from all doubts about being and not being, recognise itself.

— 3rd Karmapa Rangjung Dorje


 Bodhicitta & Attachment

There are many different kinds of emotions and these are actually projections of our mind. Emotions are not something separate from our own mind but, of course, we see them as being very different and separate because we do not really recognise the mind right now. Sometimes we get angry and jealous or feel very happy and excited – all kinds of ups and downs. Actually, we do not understand what we are going through, who we are, who is really angry or happy, who is feeling down or excited: what is really happening. In fact, we do not have an idea of ‘ourselves’ even thought we say ‘we’ or ‘I’ and use these different labels. I think that even up to right now we don’t really know ourselves well. So we now want to know ourselves, which is quite funny.

Buddha himself said, “Samsara has no beginning”, so from beginningless samsara until today, we have been living with and yet do not recognise ourselves. Isn’t this funny? It is also quite an interesting topic to talk about: how this came about and what has to be done from this point forwards.

Everything depends mainly on the mind

The Buddha said that our common mind is very wild, which refers to the present situation we are in. Right now, our mind cannot be controlled and this makes the entire situation very wild. The activities of good and bad are actually projections of our mind. The key message of the Theravada school of Buddhism is ‘avoid harmful activities’ and ‘benefit all beings’ is the main one of the Mahayana school. Both schools bear the same message: everything depends mainly on the mind because the mind is the only force that creates all positive and negative actions. Although the body performs the act it is only a tool: the mind is the main controller. If the mind does not want to do a certain thing in a certain way, then the body or the speech will not be able to do it. Even if the body or speech tries to do it, it won’t work because the mind is not really willing. Many of the other non-Buddhist beliefs also very strongly emphasize the message of ‘non-violence’. The only difference between these beliefs and Buddhism is that the Buddhist motivation is a little bit more extended. This is very tiny difference. All spiritual beliefs equally say that one should not harm and they encourage people to do good and not bad things to others. However, none of us, including many spiritual practitioners, can implement or really practice this because we do not recognise or realise our mind. Realisation of the mind is what we are lacking so far.

So now followers of Buddhism, or even non – Buddhists, have an enormous responsibility to think about how to deal with the mind, which is bothering everyone from beginningless time until today. Many of us have been doing all sorts of things to put our mind into shape, but we have not been able to manage this successfully. Although there are many ways of training the mind, the mind has to be trained only by itself. It cannot be trained any other way. Sometimes, we try to understand our mind, sometimes we want to block our mind. I don’t think our mind appreciates either of these treatments. If the mind does not appreciate the method you are using, whatever this might be, then this is considered to be unskillful.

Most of the skills of our mind training cannot successfully be implemented because our mind is as complex as ourselves. If distributed, our mind can lead us to samsara and, if happy, it can lead us to nirvana. Therefore, our mind is very powerful and tricky thing. This is why the Buddha said that our mind has to be tamed.

The mind needs to be paid attention to consistently

Bodhicitta practice is the most practical way of training and expanding the mind. Right now, our mind is so narrow that it has no room for anyone else or room for any exceptions. We are only able to think about ourselves and about others who are attached to us, such as our family, children and friends. But this is also for a limited time and with a lot of conditions. I often think that we don’t want people to follow us and expect us to do things the way they want us to; we want somehow to be loved and paid attention to and yet, at the same time, we want people to leave us alone, don’t we? If these demands are met, we feel somewhat relaxed. Well, it’s true for me at least! Don’t you feel the same way? Maybe none of you have thought about this yet. The mind woks exactly the same way. I don’t think the mind likes to be controlled and forced to be the way we want it to be. But the mind needs to be paid attention to consistently and it would like us to leave it alone without even the slightest fabrication! Only then will the mind lead you in its own natural way (nirvana) because it feels relaxed and has more room to stretch.

I think I have spoken a lot about what mind prefers us to be doing. In addition to this, we literally have no room in our mind. So we are obliged to develop the so-called Bodhicitta or ‘Mind of Enlightenment’. By practicing loving – kindness and compassion, and not hatred, jealousy or anger, you will be able to extend your own mind. There should also be some logic behind the method and reason of Bodhicitta practice. You must have heard many times form teachers and masters that we are all brothers and sisters; there is logic behind why we really have to take care of each other. It is because all of us are suffering equally due to the lack of realisation of ourselves. We are all crazy, all equally mad, so why not serve and help other beings who are also suffering very badly? This is a kind of theoretical or external logic that we can think of and is one of the main types of logic that we all can commonly consider.

Everything is illusion

The uncommon logic or internal logic that is linked with the philosophical view is that everything does not exist as it appears to be: everything is illusion. The illusory world is very solid to us and yet it does not really exist. But still we are very attracted by the world and, somehow, we are really driven to madness by it. So we are almost crazy due to the attractions that provoke us continuously and yet nothing at the end is a fruit of this world because nothing exists. We are simply running after things which are actually like a rainbow. Naturally, we ought to be exhausted by now. You could say that this is one of the essential sufferings that we are going through.

This is the reason why we should be compassionate to all sentient beings, because now we are some of the people in this world who at least realise or know this intellectual. There are millions of beings or people who do not know anything about this, not even slightly. So we are among the very few people who are lucky enough to be closer to the reality state of the world. Therefore, it is right to help all sentient beings. This is also a kind of deeper logic. This also can be a very good reason for you to practice because there are millions of beings who are trapped by and attached to the illusory world and yet have no idea of impermanence being the cause of suffering. So you are someone who has the rare opportunity to do something about this. This should encourage you to practice and think , “I must practice sincerely without wasting any time in this life in order to save those beings who are really suffering unconsciously.” This kind of motivation should always be present. This is the so- called altruistic motivation or the ‘Mind of Enlightenment’.

Any kind of worldly activities we are involved in are always linked with our own strong attachment

As long as we are attached to this world, we cannot liberate ourselves. We are attached to a beautiful thing, an ugly thing, our enemy, our friends. Any kind of worldly activities we are involved in are always liked with our own strong attachment. We say.” This is it. That has to be this way and this has to be that way.” You are making all these demands according to your own attachment. This is really the starting point of the mistake and from there onwards we go through a lot of things which are full of suffering.

For example, you project someone as an enemy and you stick with that perception, and then you feel very uncomfortable and unhappy to see that person or even to hear his name or voice. This is as I have mentioned earlier the actual non-existence of the things that we run after. Sometimes you make a friend and you confirm this and say.” This is a wonderful friend”, and then you want that person to be our friend selfishly – this friend is just yours forever and nobody else can even touch or smile at him or her. This is the typical kind of language of your attachment that you have been following. Later, when you find out your friend has been touched and ‘enjoyed’ by others, just imagine how painful this will be for you. This is pain of your own creation. So, this kind of attachment brings you lots of pain. This kind of pain is created by yourself, by your attachment, and not by anybody else. We do not want this kind of pain at all. Therefore, attachment has to be minimised and, in order to do this, one has to know or realise the reality of things. Likes and dislikes do not exist by themselves: they are creations or projections of your own mind, meaning that the world is created by our mind and it is illusory.

For example, your friend may be very attractive to you, but this may not be true to another person, so this attraction is just an illusion. The attraction does not exist by itself. You have not realised that it is illusory or that it is your projection and so you go crazy about your friend. Then, when you begin to feel something wrong and that meeting this friend was actually a mistake, usually you will have lots of things to scream about and of course the blame always goes to that friend who gave you the ‘bad’ taste. But who agreed to the ‘good’ taste in the first place? It was your attachment that gave you the confirmation of this taste being so sweet and made you feel so sure about it. So part of the blame should always go to your attachment.

For the time being, the illusion and attachment get along very well seem to work together very creatively. But, in reality, it is not quite so. So, through your understanding of Madhyamika or Mahamudra, or from a little bit of instruction on the two truths – relative and ultimate – you will know the illusory nature of the world and you will be able to minimise the pain created by attachment.

You have to practice loving-kindness and compassion

In brief, I would say that one should not cling to one’s thoughts, whether negative or positive. You should not cling to these emotions. The clinging thought or attitude is actually the attachment. I am not saying that we should not love that we should not love each other or be compassionate and that instead we should be like a piece or rock without feeling. So please don’t misunderstand when I say, “Don’t cling to your emotions.” Many people may ask, “How can I love somebody without attachment?” The point is that love with attachment simply means love full of misunderstanding and love without attachment means love with wisdom. As I said at the beginning, you have to practice loving-kindness and compassion. Loving–kindness is the essence of the Buddha’s teachings, as well as of other religions. There is nothing wrong with love and compassion, caring and affection. But the fact is that authentic love can only be practiced when we have no more misunderstanding, meaning no more clinging attitude (attachment). How can one follow the supreme path of great Bodhicitta if one is full of misunderstanding about the world one lives in?

The thing we should avoid is attachment or a clinging attitude. Take friendship as an example. Too much clinging thought towards your friend will cause you pain afterwards. I guess we all have had a good deal of experience of this and I do not need to speak very much about it. So, when you are attached, you will end up in a fight with your friend instead of having fun. Perhaps sometimes the fight is also a fun but most of the time it is painful and it is this pain that we do not want. This kind of clinging attitude makes your heart ache, brings you heart problems and makes you feel broken-hearted. If you do not have the initial clinging attitude when facing family and all other problems, you will have plenty of solutions to solve these issues; you will be able to avoid painful experiences as a Dharma practitioner and easily take way you improve your mind.

Some changes should visibly take place after years of practicing if we are able to approach the mind-training path correctly and genuinely.

If we cannot improve our own mind, we cannot improve our lifestyle. There are many people who say,” I like to mediate. I meditate for so many hours, so many months and so many years.” But still they cannot improve their own lifestyle. They continue to argue constantly with their boyfriend or girlfriend, fighting with each other, screaming at each other, because they do not know the reality – what is happening in life and what should be accepted. Despite doing practice and meditation for so many years, somehow they are not able to change their lifestyle, make progress and bring some peace into their lives. This means that they are not really working with their own mind and are not able to approach the path that would enable them to improve their mind. Some changes should visibly take place after years of practicing if we are able to approach the mind-training path correctly and genuinely.

Inner change will bring out outer change. We should be able to see from the outside when transformation has occurred. We should look for visible indications of change that show a person is really improving. Then even neighbours, friends and everyone else will notice and say,” He has been doing practice. Before doing spiritual practice he was a terrible person but now he is really peaceful and never argues with anybody. He is really kind and understanding. He has become a very gentle and good person through practicing.” people will understand that. We are not practicing for the purpose of propaganda but still that kind of external indication should be there eventually.

In the Sutra, it is said that the Bodhisattvas have characteristic signs through which we can recognise them. Similarly, it can be judged by indicative changes that can be seen externally as to whether we are practitioners or not.

My sincere hope and prayer is that all sentient beings, and especially those who are connected with me and my lineage, will be able to bring some positive change into their lives, live harmoniously with others and be happy forever.

— His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa, Jigme Pema Wangchen

Gyalwang Drukpa 7.

Never moving from the basis of present awareness, with this experience, existence will be emptied. Free from the habit and karma of returning to existence, the even nature of cause and result is called the equality of samsara and enlightenment. Without remaining in existence or enlightenment, one arrives at the essence of enlightenment.

— Longchenpa
